From the course: Learning Word Online (Microsoft 365)

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Add and format graphics

Add and format graphics

- [Instructor] One of the easiest ways to add visual interest to your documents to make them stand out is to add graphical elements, something we're going to explore in this movie as we continue working with our document. You may have your own document on screen. I'm working with Red30 Conference 2024. So far all we have is text. We formatted that text to stand out a little bit but now we're going to add some graphical elements and we're going to start right between the main title up at the top and the paragraph down below. We're going to add a graphic of artificial intelligence in between so we don't need the text. Clicking and dragging across the text, hitting backspace will take it out. And here's where we're going to insert our graphic. By default, it's going to be centered because our text was centered, right where we want it. All we do is go up to the insert tab up here on the ribbon. Now if you're like me and you…
