From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Personas: An idea everyone can get behind

Personas: An idea everyone can get behind

From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

Personas: An idea everyone can get behind

- So far you've been out and observed the problem firsthand and you've developed a way of describing that problem to each other and to anyone else who needs to know. Your experience map and your list of pain points and goals, let you speak clearly from the data you gathered. One thing's missing though, who are you building this solution for? Just saying users or customers, isn't very useful. What we want to do is focus in on a couple of example people who we know are true users of the product. These example people become the personas that will do develop the product for. A Ideal people probably don't exist in real life, so we'll create them. By giving them the attributes we're looking for, but keeping them believable by referencing what we learned during our observations, we can give the team a good idea of who they're developing for. What I found time and time again is that if you build for specific people, the…
