From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Iterate: Make changes based on what you learn

Iterate: Make changes based on what you learn

From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

Iterate: Make changes based on what you learn

- So now we've looked at the basic steps of design thinking. You've just been through a whole feedback loop, from gathering information about the problem through to getting input on a prototype solution. When I work with teams, we most often fit these feedback cycles into a single week. We move fast, but we always check that we're remaining true to the user data we collected at the beginning of the process, In that one week cycle, we're now on day four. At this point, you have to make a decision. Do you think you can make some quick changes based on the feedback from the usability testing? Or is it better to spend another week of research, ideation and prototyping to come up with even better solutions based on what you learned during the week? Remember, one additional week of design thinking activities at this point is a lot cheaper than spending a week or more of refactoring or rework later on in the process. Either way, at…
