From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Paper prototypes: The fastest way to test your ideas

Paper prototypes: The fastest way to test your ideas

From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

Paper prototypes: The fastest way to test your ideas

- You've come up with great ideas for how you can solve the problems you uncovered. Now it's time to show those ideas back to your potential customers to see how well you interpreted and solved their issues. Of course, just telling them a story based on your scenarios isn't likely to work. They may visualize something completely different from the solution you were thinking about. Then, when you're done building it, they'd be upset that you didn't give them the thing they'd envisioned at the beginning of the process. The answer is to build a paper prototype of the user interface your scenario describes. You'll have to design all the screens for your product anyway later in the process. Doing it now, in a quick sketch format, is an ideal opportunity to find out whether your design ideas are likely to work for your user base. Just step through your storyboards and create interface screens that handle each part of the…
