From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Design thinking gives you confidence

Design thinking gives you confidence

- Working through the design thinking process gives you confidence that you'll be developing a product that customers need and want. You'll start the development process knowing that you've got a solution that will work for your target audience. That's a major departure from how most projects are run. Rather than taking the first few months of a project to work out exactly what it is you're building and why, you start with a good overview of where you want to end up. Now, your development methodology will carry the iterative process forward. As I've mentioned several times during this course, design thinking lends itself to a lean or agile approach to product development. The design thinking process can be seen as a sprint zero type of activity or customer development and validated learning. Of course, the information you get from the design thinking process, doesn't lose its value once you move forward into code.…
