From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Pain points to goals

Pain points to goals

- It's great to have the list of pain points, but now it's time to work out what it looks like to fix them. Take each pain point in turn and invert it. This gives you a list of goals to work towards. For our example project, the top two pain points were that riders don't know who to report trail issues to, and they don't know how to report those issues. The team decided that solving these two pain points involves goals of not only knowing who to report to but when, as well as being able to easily and successfully report those issues. You can see the direct relationship between the pain points and the goals. This way, we're still staying true to the user data we gathered. Interestingly, the goals are different from the initial idea that the team leader came up with. He started with the idea of a drink token app as a way of saying thanks to the trail workers. From our list of pain points and goals, it looks like we're…
