From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Design thinking isn't just for design agencies

Design thinking isn't just for design agencies

From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

Design thinking isn't just for design agencies

- I really hope that by walking through the steps involved in a design thinking exercise, I've helped you to see that it's not just possible for you to run the process yourself but it's actually preferable. There are lots of digital agencies out there, Many of them are pushing design thinking style processes in one form or another, and for good reason, the process works. However, unless the agency is committed to sitting with your development team until after you've released several iterations of the product, they just aren't as committed as they need to be. The agency model doesn't lend itself to embedding with a team, it's much easier to create a couple of hero shots of what the UI could look like, wrap the research up in some glossy presentation slides, sell the concept to an executive in your company, and then leave the implementation up to you. That's crazy. The real work comes when you have to turn those pretty…
