From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Identify the pain points: Watch real users

Identify the pain points: Watch real users

From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

Identify the pain points: Watch real users

- You might have an idea for a product you want to build, but how do you know if it's the right idea? Maybe you identified an issue based on your own experiences. Maybe you've been tracking customer feedback on an earlier release of your product, or maybe you have a project roadmap and it's time to implement the next phase of the project. Before you go ahead and start building, it's essential that you go and watch some people doing the activities you want to make a solution for. Why? Because it allows you to see the true issues and what people do to get around those issues today. When you read or listen to product feedback, people give you their solutions, not their problems. Because they're caught up inside the process, their solution might not be the best one for the real underlying issue. It's the same if you want to build a product based on an issue you experience. Remember though, that your assumptions are based on…
