From the course: Design Thinking: Implementing the Process

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Find a location and gather supplies

Find a location and gather supplies

- I've said that the design thinking process can take one intensive week to complete. You're going to need a space you can use for that whole time. You'll be putting large sheets of paper covered in sticky notes, up on the walls. You don't want to have to move those at the end of every day to make room for someone else's meeting. The best locations tend to be conference rooms at your work. They're big enough to hold the 10 to 15 people who be attending, and they're often set up with both the presentation screen and wall space for sticking things on. Training rooms or another good alternative. If your team has a specific team area it's always possible to use that instead but there's one big issue. It's too easy for them to start checking their email and running off to do other things. People have to commit to being present for the entire week. Being present means not getting distracted by fantasy football emails. It's…
