From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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What you’re building: Look at your project

What you’re building: Look at your project - Storyline Tutorial

From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

What you’re building: Look at your project

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at the project we're going to build in this chapter just so you have an idea of all the things we're going to be working on. So the first thing you probably notice is that the slide size has been changed, we're using a wide aspect ratio of a 16:9. We have a background image that we inserted here from Content Library, an illustrated character, and some placeholder text, and then of course we have these three tab buttons over here on the left. As I mouse over each, you can see that its color changes, its visible state changes to indicate that it's a clickable object. When I click an object, we see the text changes here on the slide, character state changes, and then we also have a icon to indicate this tab has been visited. Same thing with Tab 02, you can see that we have a selected state here to indicate that this is the current tab content changes and the character changes. Before I click Tab 03, take a look down here in the bottom right corner…
