From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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- [Instructor] One of the most popular interactive objects is the slider and that's just because there's so much you can do with it and they're a great way to get learners to touch the screen and work with the content. And in this movie we'll look at a very simple example of creating sliders and then making something happen, and the thing that we'll make happen is we'll make our character change states a couple times based on the value of the slider. So let's go ahead and just begin by inserting a slider, so, insert slider, and you have a couple pre-built styles here, we'll just grab the first one. We're not going to spend anytime customizing them but you can make sliders look anyway you like. There's a lot you can do with them, you can replace them with pictures and graphics, anything you want. But when you insert the slider, by default, the range is going to be from zero to 10. And I see that up here in the Design tab with a starting value of zero and an ending value of 10. Well…
