From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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Adding and customizing states

Adding and customizing states

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll look at using States to change the visual appearance of objects. Now, just about any object in Storyline can have multiple looks or States, meaning that you can create variations of each graphic. By default though, each object is going to begin with a Normal State. And, you can see that by coming down to the States Panel and seeing that each object just has that one state called normal, same thing with the character. But we can add multiple states. Now, there are two types of states in Storyline. You have the built-in states and you have custom states. Built in states are the states that are automatically generated by Storyline, so when you add them, their certain powers or functionality under the hood, that Storyline takes care of. Now, an easy way to see this is by adding basic button functionality, such as a hover and visited states to objects. So let's do that right now to this rectangle. So with the rectangle selected, I'm going to come down to…
