From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

Customizing the slide design

- [Narrator] Okay, so in this movie, we'll go ahead and get started by customizing our slide and that includes changing the story size, the slide size of our project, and adding a custom background image. Just to give a sense of location for our interaction. So, let's go ahead and start by changing the size of our slide. We go to the design tab, story size, and you can see by default, story line is at a four by three aspect ratio or 720 by 540 pixels. When it's something just a little bit more modern, so let's choose the wide screen format of the 16 by 9. You also can customize this if you needed to for your own slide, but a four by three and 16x9 are the most common, so we'll use the more modern version of it. So 16x9, go ahead and click okay, and that changes the size of our slide. Let's go ahead and open up the slide into slide view, so we can add that background graphic. Going to pull one from content library, so up here under the insert tab, photos, and just going to search for a hospital background. So this first graphic works pretty well, just select it and click insert. Now sometimes the images will fill up your entire slide, other times they may not be the same aspect ratio. In this case, that's what we're seeing. So we'll just need to do a little bit of scaling and cropping to make this image fit. So I'm just going to drag it down here, in the bottom right corner. You can see the pink smart guides that help me align that with my slide. So once it's there in the bottom right corner, I'm just going to stretch it up a little bit from the top right corner, grab the scaling and bring it up. Okay cool? So that should be in good place, I'm going to crop it now. So select the crop tool and I will grab the top cropping handle just to drag that down and you should see the image snap. The cropping snap when it gets to the edge of the slide and you can also verify that the image is going to be the same size, which I can see right there at 720 by 405. I'm going to like away from the image to set that crop. Last thing I want to do here is just to add some transparency here, so the image isn't quite so visible. Kind of want to dial that back a little bit so when we add the text and content to our slide, the text is more readable and the background isn't really overwhelming us with its colors so right click the image and then just choose that the very bottom of this list the format picture and there's the transparency, let me move this over a little bit, going to bring that way up here so I'm around 80 or 90, just so we can really minimize that background. Want a little bit of noise or texture on the background, but I certainly don't want this to overwhelm our slides. So somewhere are 80 or 90 should be fine. Click close, always a good practice to name your objects. So double click the object in the timeline, call it background, and I'm going to lock it. Okay cool. Our initial slide design is set up, we resized the story size, and we added a custom background graphic to our interaction.
