From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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Show next button after all tabs are clicked

Show next button after all tabs are clicked - Storyline Tutorial

From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

Show next button after all tabs are clicked

- [Instructor] One of the most commonly asked, most popular questions asked by Storyline users is around disabling the Next button until all slide objects have been clicked or visited. So, for example, we have our two player buttons down here, the Previous and the Next, and you can see as I hover over each I get the cursor change. But the request is, the ask is disabling the Next button and only enabling it after, in this case, all three of these buttons have been clicked. This is such a popular question and it's also one that really separates a lot of the new users from experienced users. So this is definitely a technique that advanced Storyline users know and it works so brilliantly in Storyline that it's essential for you to fully understand the Storyline workflow. So let's go ahead and look at how it works. So there's a couple things we want to do. First, we want to disable that Next button as soon as the slide loads. As soon as this slide is loaded or viewed that Next button…
