From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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Adding quizzes

Adding quizzes

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll add a quiz to our video so that we can pause the video to assess the learner's understanding of certain points in the instruction. So we're actually going to create a separate quiz slide that we load into the current slide. So let's go ahead and do that. Let me jump over here to story view and I'm going to create a new scene. We'll call that new scene quizzes because we would most likely have more than one, and to make this easy, let's just insert a quiz side from content library, so I can grab a graded quiz. And I'll just select this first one here, insert slide. We'll use this. We'll just assume that this is the perfect quiz that we need, and everything is set up the way we like. Right, there's my quiz slide for this one. Not going to make any changes to the content. All right, so one thing I want to look at, does this quiz slide have a submit button? This one does not, which means it's using the player submit button. That's okay, but we want to…
