From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

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Scrolling panels

Scrolling panels

- [Instructor] One of my favorite interactive objects is the scrolling panel because it really solves a common problem in e-learning, and that is managing large blocks of text, images, graphics, content that's too big or too much to fit on the slide. So let's take a look at how they work in Storylines. I'm going to close out the preview. And let's go ahead and just create a new document, so a new slide. Basic layouts and let's do blank is fine. All right to insert a scrolling panel, just go up to the insert tab. And come on over here to the interactive objects and we'll select scrolling panel. And go ahead and just click once on your slide. Now once it's on the slide, it's pretty much like any other object. You can resize it, scale it, move it around. Most likely you want to get a rough idea of how big of a scrolling panel you want. Once it's there, you just drag objects into it. So for example, insert, shape. Rectangle, and when I grab the rectangle I'm going to drag it over here and…
