From the course: Articulate 360: Interactive Learning

Data entry fields

- In this movie we will work with story lines data entry fields to collect some basic information from our learner specifically we are going to ask the learner to give us their name and then we'll use that name to personalize the rest of the course. So let me show you how this works. We actually have two types of data entry fields If you go up to insert and input data entry So we have a text entry field which is used for capturing alpha numeric characters And then we have a numeric entry field and you use those when you want to capture numbers to perform calculations. We going to stick with a text entry just because it's the most common and certainly the easiest to get started with in terms of capturing learner input and then displaying So I'm going to select it and click once here on the slide. So the idea is we're welcoming the learner to the course and we want to capture their name. So once you answered the text entry fields it's pretty much like any other object You see that it's a text box. It can be resized I can format it. I can change the color if I want to for the background. anything you want to do to make that better visually aligned with the rest of your course keep it white there just to keep it simple and if I wanted to format the font here I can do that as well. But something happened along the way and that his storyline created a variable for us We didn't do it, Storyline did. So let me show you where you can find that variable. Come on over here to the project variables and select it and here it is. Text entry So by default storyline calls the first text entry variable, a text injury. So that's pretty simple. We can click once inside of here and give it something a little bit more meaningful. Like first name is fine, but you can get a little information about it. It's a text variable there is no default value and it's being used once and we know it's being used ones cause we can see it right there. I'm going to go ahead and close out of this window and that variable has now been created and as soon as we preview the slide and enter a value in here storylines going to capture and hold on to that data we won't see the data until we tell storyline to display what that value is. And the way we tell storyline to do that is by adding what's called a variable reference we want to reference whatever value that variable is holding. So we do that by going back up to the insert tab text box and just at a regular text box anywhere on your slide what we want to do is just validate that this input field is working correctly so we have this active text box let's go back up to the insert tab, select reference and now we can select the variable we want to display so we want to display the value of the specific variable now we only have one in here. It's called first name and that's the one we want to use. So I'm going to Click okay. And if you look at it closely I'll make it a little bit larger. and you can see that it's following the same naming convention that we created with the exception of these two percent signs that are on either side of it that just tells storyline to show the value of the variable now if we preview the slide enter our name and move away from that field that commits the variable. Once I've collected that value in this case it's a name I can display it anywhere else in my project I can display it on the next slide so maybe I say welcome to the course comma, and then I'll insert that reference right here within the same text block so good to insert reference and I can select it here so I can drop it in, I can resize it, I can format this any way I like move it up and I can also just copy it It might be a little faster sometimes to copy and I have another scenario over here that we downloaded from content library I can say, what do you think, comma and then I will paste it in and personalize this block of text Cool. Let's preview the entire slide so the first slide is asking me to enter my name I click away, there's the name just to have a verification go to the next slide welcome to the course David and if I clicked my two persons scenario I can see that it's now integrated into the scenario so using the text entry field is a fantastic way to capture some learner information and then use that information to personalize your course content.
