From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Send for signature

Send for signature

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we saw how to sign a document using Acrobat's fill and sign tool. And again, anyone can sign a document using either Acrobat or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader app. So if you have forms that need to be signed, you can simply email them for signatures and the people signing them can send them back to you. However, there are times when you'll want to be able to keep better track of your document signatures than just simply emailing them can provide. When you only rely on email, you have to wait for your recipients to open their emails, review and sign the documents, and then remember to send them back to you. Fortunately, Acrobat Pro DC includes a service for sending out PDFs for signatures that also allows you to keep track of them. Now this can be done with any PDF. It doesn't have to be used just for forms. So I've just opened up another copy of this order form we've been working with,…
