From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Add a Reset button

Add a Reset button

- [Instructor] Another common type of button you might want to create on your forums is a reset button. Which is good to have in case the person filling out the form, messes it up and wants to clear the entire thing and start over again. In this case I'm going to place this reset button next to the print button we just created. So I'm going to select the print button, hold down option on my keyboard, drag a copy out to the left while holding shift. Again, if you're on windows, you'll control, drag a copy out, like so, and I'll double click to open up the properties. I'm going to rename this right away. I'll call it reset. It's also set to visible, but doesn't print since I just copied the settings from the print button and maybe under appearance, I'll select the fill color, and I'll just make this a little bit darker to make it look a little bit different from the print button. I'd be like so, there we go. And under…
