From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Edit the tab order

Edit the tab order

- [Instructor] You probably know that with just about any type of screen-based form, whether it's a PDF form, an online form, an excel document or so on, the tab key on your keyboard is used to jump the cursor from field to field. The idea is to make it unnecessary to take your hands off the keyboard, and use the mouse to click in each field before typing again. I've got another version of the glow bank document open here. So you can see that if I enter my first name here and then I press tab on my keyboard, that takes me to the last name field where I can enter my last name, and then I can press tab to go to the address field. But notice when I press tab again my cursor has now jumped to the zip code field instead of the city field and if I press it again, it goes to state and then to city then email and then my phone number. So my tab order is messed up in this document. This has largely to do with the order in…
