From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Calculate fields

Calculate fields

- All right, so let's see how we can get Acrobat to perform some calculations for us. In the previous videos, we set up the quantity and total fields, as well as the hidden price fields. Now the calculations are going to be performed in the total fields, so that's where we're going to add the action for the field to calculate. We'll get the total by multiplying the price field times the quantity field. So I'm going to start by getting the first text field total. So we'll double click,, and I'm going to come over to the calculate tab. From here, I'm going to choose value is the product of the following fields, meaning I'm going to multiply together the following fields. Then I'll click pick to pick the fields I want to multiply, and this will list for me all the fields that are currently in my form. So I know that for a, I want right here, times I'll click okay,…
