From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Add list boxes

Add list boxes

- [Instructor] Closely related to the drop-down list is the list box. It's used when you want your users to select from a list of predetermined choices. Now, I don't really have a place on this form that requires a list box, but I'll just add one down here in this blank area so you can see how they work. So I come up here and find the list box tool, I'll draw a box, and I'll just call this Ads. Maybe I'm going to ask how the user heard about our company. I'll click All Properties, and then under the Options tab, you can see it looks nearly identical to the drop-down list options. Just like with a drop-down list, you can type individual items into the item field, and then click Add. So I'll add a couple of items here. As with drop down lists, you can also click Sort items if you want the list to sort alphabetically. It can also allow for multiple selections, which is useful if you might be asking the user to select all…
