From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Add multiline text fields

Add multiline text fields

- [Instructor] Okay, now let's take a look at the Special Requests area of our form. Like the fields we've already added, this is a section where we want the user to be able to enter text, but unlike these fields up here, we want to allow for more than a single line of text. And this is pretty easy to do. Let's start by selecting the Text Field tool again. I already left my Form tool, so I'll go back to Prepare Form. I'll select my Text Field tool. And as before, I'm just going to drag the size of this field to match the size of the box. I'll name this right away. Call it "Special." Now, before I change anything here, I'm going to click the Preview button so you can see how this field is currently behaving. I'll just type some text in here. So typing text in this field means that it keeps scrolling to the left. So this field still has the default behavior of only allowing a single line of text. Let's go back to…
