From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Auto-detect form fields

Auto-detect form fields

- [Instructor] Acrobat Pro DC has the ability to automatically detect form fields in your PDFs and make them interactive. Thereby saving you from having to spend a lot of time manually creating form fields yourself. And for the most part, it does a really great job. But you will certainly at some point, be working with a forum with a complex design that confuses Acrobat, and subsequently Acrobat won't be able to create all the necessary fields in the PDF. So it's still important to know how to create form fields manually. So I have here a sales document. Notice none of the fields are interactive at the moment. So clicking in this address line, doesn't let me type in an address. Clicking down here on the payment method area, doesn't let me choose a payment method. Now over the course of the next several videos, we'll be adding form fields to make this form interactive. We're going to start by going to the tools…
