From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Import data and generate a spreadsheet

Import data and generate a spreadsheet

From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

Import data and generate a spreadsheet

- [Instructor] Okay. So in the previous video, we saw how to create a submit button that would send the form data as an Acrobat FDF, or forms data form file via email. And I mentioned that you can then take that form data and set it up in a database, a spreadsheet or anything else that you need to do with it. So here I have a folder containing some FDF files, as well as one PDF file of the empire form itself. Which for this example, we'll say was emailed back to me by someone who couldn't figure out the submit button, or maybe send it to me on a flash drive or a disc. But in any case, they sent me the entire PDF and I want to take this file and the three FDF files, extract their data and place it all into a spreadsheet. So with any PDF open in Acrobat, doesn't even have to be the one containing any data you want to import, click the prepare form button, here on the right next to more click this arrow, and from here…
