From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Test failover

Test failover

- [Instructor] So now that we've set up Azure site recovery, how do we know it's actually going to work? How do we know that when the time comes, if we need to do a recovery, that it's going to work? Well Azure site recovery provides a great little way to test this, in a non-production impacting way. Which means, as I've mentioned before in other videos, you can do this on Tuesday at 2pm in the afternoon. Why? Just 'cause that's what you felt like doing. So let's go ahead and take a look at a test failover. I'm going to hop into my recovery services vault here. I'm going to go into my vault. And I'm going to go into my recovery plans. And from my recovery plans, I've done test failovers, so you can see that was the last time I did my failover. But I can come in here and just simply run a test failover. That's going to ask what do I want to do, what recovery point do I want. If I have lots of points, I can…
