From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Azure Backup process

Azure Backup process

- Now before we actually start with the actual backup creation, and installing the different components to make this happen, let's take a look at the overview of the backup process itself. The backup process itself is actually quite straightforward with the backup agent. We actually install the agent on our servers or workstations that we want to back up, we configure that Azure to do a process called "registration". And all that registration is to provide in vault credentials from those on-prem systems, to actually talk to our recovery services vault where we're going to back our data up. We then create a schedule, and in that schedule, we include what files and folders we want to back up, very straightforward, as well as how often we want to back up, and how much data do we want to retain. If you have a really high recovery point objective, where you have to maintain it for years, you're going to see all that infrastructure…
