From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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What makes Azure unique

What makes Azure unique

- [Narrator] Now let's talk about what makes Azure unique and why you'd want to choose Azure, over other Cloud Platform providers in the world today. First off when we start talking about what is Azure? To understand its nuances, we have to kind of understand what it is. First off, Azure is a platform. When you actually purchase Azure, you purchase a subscription, that doesn't have anything inside of it, it's up to you to go in and build what you want to build inside of it. There are so many amazing things that Azure can do. And in this course you're just going to see one and that's for business continuity. But there are just platforms that around the world that they use Azure. There's actually some brilliant case studies. Azure is actually helping to save white rhinoceroses in the South African Wildlife Park. Some amazing things can be done with this platform. So when we start thinking about Azure I want to get your…
