From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Key terms and concepts

Key terms and concepts

- Before we actually start taking a look and creating Azure backups and installing all the software necassary to do this, we have to understand a few key terms and concepts before we get rolling. Now the most important concept when it comes to Azure is a thing called the recovery services vault. And the name kind of tells you exactly what it is, it's where everything that we're going to put inside, it's our backup, it's our recovery services where we're going to pull data out of the recovery services vault. The cool thing about the recovery services vault is that it's used pretty much for all the solutions that we have in Azure. Azure backup, the Azure backup server, and Azure site recovery services, you're going to see a little bit of all of them inside of the recovery services vault. Now, you can make a recovery services vault for each one of those, or you can put all of it into one. It's really up to you, there's really…
