From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Recovery choices

Recovery choices

- [Matt] So now that we've talked about a lot of different ways to back up our data whether it's on prem, a hybrid cloud or all on the cloud what are our recovery options and how do we actually bring back data? So we're going to take a look at our server recovery choices that we have when we start leveraging Azure and really the decision before we start recovering data really boils down to what your goals are for your organization where you're recovering data and it starts off with what your service level agreement is or your SLA. What's your guarantee back to the business? If somebody deletes a file or you need to recover a file how long does it take? Or how far back do you keep that data? The SLA's all grounded on two terms inside your recovery environment and that's RTO, recovery time objective and RPO, recovery point objective. Recovery time objective basically says how long is it going to take me to get this data back?…
