From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Azure Backup choices

Azure Backup choices

- [Instructor] So we've talked about those choices, the backup, the backup agent specifically, the backup server and site recovery, what are my choices? And what do they look like? Well, here we are inside the Azure portal, and we're going to take a look at where those options come to be but more importantly, we're going to show you how Azure can help you make those decisions. And really the first decision you kind of need to make on your own. Am I looking to protect data? Or am I looking to protect applications? So let's say we're looking to protect data, that's actually going to be backup. And so I'm inside of my recovery services vault We'll talk more about those later in an upcoming portion of the course. But if I click on backup, here's where this gets really, really cool inside of Azure. Hey, where's your workload running? Is it running an Azure? Is it on Azure Stack? Which is an on prem, basically a…
