From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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- [Instructor] I hope you enjoyed this course on business continuity with Azure, and I cannot thank you enough for sticking around and hanging out with us and learning more about Azure business continuity from backup to Azure site recovery and everything in between. So here are some next steps for you to kind of get started on how you can get into this wonderful world of Azure business continuity. First thing is get Azure. If you don't have Azure today, there's lots of ways you can get a subscription, there's even a trial subscription if you want to test some of this. If you have MSDN, you can use that. If you're an organization you can get it directly off the website, you can go through a partner through CSP or you can get an enterprise agreement with us at Microsoft. Get your Azure subscription, start playing with these technologies. And that's really step two, test 'em, and start small. When it comes to Azure…
