From the course: Azure Administration: Business Continuity

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Configure Azure Backup Server

Configure Azure Backup Server

- [Instructor] Now after you've installed the Azure backup server, before we can actually start backing up the servers that we're going to support and protect, we have to do some basic configuration for the server to make it happen and really, there are three things we have to do. We have to configure the storage that we're going to use for our backup, and remember, we're backing up locally on the system first, before we take those backups and put them in Azure, in the cloud servers that we're going to leverage. We're also going to have to configure that online storage environment as well as install agents on all of the servers that we want to protect in our environment. Now to do that, we actually have two tools. And we have that Microsoft Azure Backup Management shell and this is actually a Powershell version of what we can do inside of our environments. If you're into Powershell and you want to automate things, I would…
