From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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- [Instructor] Like circles, ovals are very flexible enclosing shapes and may be preferable if your logo name is long. Here are some logos that use oval shapes. Here are some techniques for working with ovals in our logos. We can select the enclosing oval shape and rotate it giving it a jaunty slant which gives the logo a futuristic look. Or we can make it into an interlocking ring. So here I have my oval and I need to split it apart. So I need to use my scissors tool, add two anchor points, and then come and delete that segment. Now I want to select the resulting shape which is currently a stroked path. I'm going to come to the object menu and outline the stroke to make it a filled path. I'll select that along with the type. I should mention that the type has been converted to outlines. And then I'll come and get my live paint bucket and all I need to do here is making sure I'm painting in black. You can see that I have those three swatches above my cursor, I'll tap my left arrow to…
