From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Create a multi-line art brush

Create a multi-line art brush

From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

Create a multi-line art brush

- [Instructor] In the previous two movies I've shown logos that rely upon multiple off-set parts or working with striped patterns. Which made me think that I should address the issue of how to create an art brush and then, specifically, how we create the interlocking effect that we see in the example on the right. Might be especially useful if you need to introduce some sort of knot motif into your logo. So I'm going to now switch to my second blank art board and start by creating the art brush. And I'm just going to draw myself a single straight line, to which I will apply an eight point black stroke. I'm then going to duplicate that, moving the line a specific distance, eight points, and making a copy. Then I'll press Command or Control + D seven times to give me a total of nine lines. Let's now zoom in and I'll press Command or Control + Y to switch to my outline view mode. That's just going to make it slightly easier to select every other line. Holding down the Shift key and…
