From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Creating a hand-drawn logo

Creating a hand-drawn logo

Let's take a look at how to create a handwritten logo. I'm going to begin with this sketch, which I have placed using the Place command. I could, at time of placing this, have chosen Template, but I didn't, which means that I now want to come to my Layers panel and convert my layer to a template, and convert my layer to a template, and that's going to dim the image. Now, rather than attempt to image trace this, which is not really going to work. It's not going to give us the kind of control that we need. I am going to manually trace over the letter shapes using the Pen tool, so I will want to tear off my Pen tool. And then on a new layer, because I can't actually add content to the now locked sketch layer, I'm just going to lay down anchor points, clicking and dragging to create curves, and of course I want to make sure that I'm and of course I want to make sure that I'm creating a path that doesn't have a fill. So, I'm going…
