From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Combining colors

Combining colors

- [Instructor] As well as individual colors having associations, so too do color combinations. Red, white, and blue are the colors of the national flag if you live in Britain, the US, or France, and so they have patriotic connotations. Red and green might evoke Christmas or the San Francisco Giants. Claret and blue might mean West Ham United or Aston Villa. So these color combinations are very personal, but we can take a more theoretical approach using Illustrator's color guide and color harmony rules. I'll select this color and then come to my color panel and then color guide. I'll make sure that this color is selected, and we see suggested colors to go with this determined by the chosen color harmony rule. To take this further, I can visit the recolor artwork dialog by clicking on edit or apply colors, we see the colors arranged around a color wheel. The base color is the largest circle, and I can move this around the color wheel, and my other colors change in relationship to it…
