From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Gradient effects

Gradient effects

- [Instructor] Adding gradient effects and bring a logo up to date. So here are some things to know about gradients. Firstly I'm going to apply a gradient to type. I've converted this type to outlines, that's not strictly necessary I've just done that in case you don't have this font which incidentally is Fresno Black available on Adobe Fonts. and then click on the swatches panel and this is why I like to have the gradient panel different color stops easily. Hold down your Option or Alt key and click on red. Now the issue here is that I'm gradating from red which if I double click on that color we see and the black is just 100% black. That means that there's no magenta, no yellow in the black. gray gradient, I'm going to duplicate this so that we can compare and on the one that is on the bottom. I'm going to change the black to a four color black, double click on the color and then we'll change the sliders to CMYK, and now I will add in 100% magenta, 100% yellow and we have a much…
