From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Warped type

Warped type

In this first example, I want to warp my type to fit in to the ellipse shape. I'm going to come to the effect menu, and choose warp, and in this case the one that I want is bulge. Now just in general, when you use the warp options, you will have all of them listed here on the style menu. In this case, I want to make sure that I have zero horizontal and vertical distortion. I can just dial in the amount of bend so that the type will fill that enclosing oval. In this second example, the point I want to make is that if you want to warp the enclosing shape with the type, you will need to group the two together. I've made a group here of the rectangle and the type, and then I'm going to come to my warping options and in this case the one that I want is rise, and I'm going to use a bend of 50%. That's then going to cause me to just want to drag the whole thing up. Your type remains editable when you use these warping options. They…
