From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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Create a halftone dot treatment

Create a halftone dot treatment

From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

Create a halftone dot treatment

- [Instructor] Here's a technique for rendering your type as halftone dots. And this needn't be restricted to type. You can use it on any object. This is loosely inspired by the Tate Modern logo. So I have my type right here. I've converted this to outlines just And I have also added a stroke to the type to beef up its white. I'm using a typeface with rounded ends because I think that's just going to work better in this context. The first thing I want to do is apply a blur. I'm going to use a Gaussian blur of 10 pixels. So now I'm going to come to the object menu and rasterize this at a resolution of 150. Just going to add in a very small amount of space around the object, two millimeters. And the background is white. So now that I've created pixels, I want to convert this back to vectors. And I want to do that using an object mosaic. Now in this case I want 50 as the number of tiles for the width and then the height is going to be constrained to the ratio. That's going to delete the…
