From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Working with a photo assistant

Working with a photo assistant

- This is one of those shoots where an assistant becomes incredibly valuable. Yay, necessary. You know. I ran John's legs off because he was constantly changing. We were changing the density of the hot lights. I started with like three or four flashes. I ended up just using one. This is a one light picture. One flash and she is looking up into this Octa Softbox with an egg crate into it so that the light didn't spread all over the set. And she is popped with that light. The only other things that are happening on the set is the steady flow from the hot lights. Why don't you get on your spot and let me kind of locate this and tell me if I am on ya? - It's a little too high. Probably should be shorter. Come down a little bit. That's probably good. - Up a little bit, up a little bit, up a little bit. You're clear. Alright, pan that way, just a touch. Yay, fade it. Okay, cool. Let's try that. Alright, John, let's feather this camera left and let's actually lower it. I think I got a little…
