From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Essential gear for the shoot

Essential gear for the shoot

- Part of the standard kit, again, the emphasis on this shoot, or one of them, was a tripod-based approach. We were shooting at slow shutter speeds, with longer lenses. You want to emphasize the action and the motion via slow shutter speed, you have to keep the camera stable. An absolutely important, necessary item, which I don't usually carry with me, were hot lights. I just needed a couple of small, steady lights. You know, people refer to 'em in different ways,now. They had barn doors. You could kind of control them. They were wing lights behind her, like 45 degrees behind the subject, rim-lighting her so that they created a narrow sliver of steady light, so when she moved, her garments and her silks in this steady light, instead of the flash just freezing it, which, if you had only flash there wouldn't be any motion at all. The garment would be frozen in the air. The flash does freeze it and retain a certain sense of sharpness, but during the motion, the steady light sources allow…
