From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Visualize the first shot

Visualize the first shot

- [Narrator] I have no idea how it's going to work out, I have no idea the ultimate expression of this yet. I have a notion. I think it's a good notion. I'm going to pursue it, see where I can go with it. I mean, that first setup was kind of a go to school, okay, this is not going to work as a room. So, we're going to drop the environment out of the room. I'm glad we have black material with us. We're going to just do something elegant and dramatic sans environment, and concentrate on her, 'cause she's lovely, she's beautiful. So, let's concentrate on the beauty of her dance expression as opposed to an environmental portrait. Here, the keynote I think is just the exotically beautiful nature of the dance art form she's expressing. So, let's go there. And it is, occasionally, fun to have a juxtaposition, like an elegant beautiful dancer on the edge of a cliff, or in a loading dock in a big city someplace with smoke coming out of the sewers and grates, and that juxtaposition can be very…
