From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Changing the shot

Changing the shot

- I thought I'd dip my toe in the waters here in very cursory fashion, easygoing, couple of lights, simple TTL setup, very easy to do. It's pretty, no two ways about it, but the environment is ugly. I thought she might overpower it a little bit. I thought maybe, maybe, maybe there might be some saving grace to having a piece of this studio as part of my environment, but it's just not going to work. Fluorescent bars overhead, some of 'em are out, and she's this elegant, classy sort of lady. She's got veils, and spangles, and stuff and I just (tongue clicks). It was good education. I don't regret doing it. Set it up, it only took five minutes to get the lights together. She comes in. I know now kind of more, I've gone to school, in other words, on what she's capable of doing, her movements, the way she looks on camera. I do have a relatively nice photograph. I can see the pace that she operates at. Now, that's going to fuel my imagination for what we're going to do next, and that is…
