From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Postproduction approach

Postproduction approach

- I was looking for the combination of her beautifully serene face with the dynamic aspects of her body in motion, which is hard to do. If you and I jumped in the air like dancers, we might get a little bit in the air and our faces would be like (groans), cause we're struggling, and you know, it's like ... A dancer has the two-fold objective of doing this incredibly athletic thing, but also looking completely serene and beautiful while they're doing it. That's a real skill. You know, so I was looking for that facial expression where she was up into the light in a really lovely way, but also her body was in relatively frenetic motion. So those are two kind of almost diametrically opposed physical states, that you're hoping to merge at camera in one frame. So hence, you have to repeat that frame numerous times to make sure that you have it. In this instance, actually not that much was done. Cause there's no qualms about the background. It's black. We chose a couple of frames that just…
