From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Shooting with manual focus

Shooting with manual focus

- Now, Cindy, you're not really changing your position, right? You're basically in the same spot. - Yeah. - Okay, all right, I need you to stay there because I'm going to take the camera out of autofocus and go into manual. I'll be able to shoot more rapidly. So John, could you come in with an iPhone, please? Okay, got it? We struggled a little bit. The D5 is amazing. It held with just even the barest quality of ambient light. But naturally, of course, when we went to a completely black room, we had to sight her, light her, pull the focus, shift out of AF into manual, so that she stays relative to camera in the same spot and the focus doesn't shift. The camera is wonderful at low levels of light, autofocusing, but obviously, it will struggle in total blackness. Yeah, the f-stop is a fairly healthy f-stop, 7.1, I did that because I really wanted to kill any shred of ambient light in here. I wanted darkness. So fairly narrow, if you will, f-stop. And also, because of the slight iffiness…
