From the course: Location Photography: From Research to Post-Production

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Load-in and setting up the shot

Load-in and setting up the shot

- You know, we made the instantaneous decision to bring all the gear in because we knew it was going to be a shoot that was a little bit on the techy side. It wasn't a far throw from the truck to the dance studio. So loading in wasn't arduous. The room was, as I say, daunting. I kind of sat and looked at the room. I tried a couple of frames showing the environment of the room. God awful, I mean, I'd have to really try to do worse than that. That was one of the reasons I had made arrangements to have with us large Duvetyne cloths. I think we had two 12-by-12s. And we put them together, and I also had some speed rail and some additional kinds of clamping, et cetera. Essentially we were able to create a big swatch of black in the back of the room. And that became my background. So that was part of my reaction to the location. So goods and bads, right? I mean, the room itself wasn't great, so I had to make adaptations there. The location itself was cool because it was a dance studio. We…
