From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

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- [Instructor] So keep in mind we have to deal with security as a core operational concern, as a core design concern, as a core implementation concern, and a core deployment concern. And the reason is, it has to be systemic to pretty much everything we do with Azure Machine Learning. So keep in mind, at the core of a good security solution is going to be a directory service or some place where we store information about the knowledge base, about the data, about the users of the data, about the images, about different engines, different APIs, things that are out there that we need to configure and reconfigure, so people that are properly credentialed, or devices that are properly credentialed, or processes, or services that are properly credentialed, can actually gain access to them in a configurable way. So it's fairly complex unto itself because we're dealing with identity access management, or the ability to, in…
