From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

What you should know

- [Instructor] So what should you know before taking this course? Well we're making an assumption that you have a fire in the belly need for knowledge around the use of machine learning and artificially intelligent systems in general. Either building something net new or something that's migrated to these systems, so there's a need that's there. As far as skills go, you need to understand what cloud computing is, specifically the basic functions of public clouds, such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud Platform. Databases need to be a key understanding as well, not necessarily an expert level knowledge in terms of how databases function at the native level but the basic general understanding around how databases exist, and what they do. You need to understand some basics in application development, in general. Not necessarily having someone who's coded but someone who understands the process of building and deploying applications. Ultimately a fairly good understanding of what security is, why it's important and how it functions basically. And then how governance comes in, either service level governance, resource level governance, again, a conceptual understanding is fine. Also, knowledge of businesses in general. How business skills are brought to light here. Keep in mind that the ability to leverage machine learning technology is about bringing the best in business with the best in technology.
