From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on Azure: Real-World Applications

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[Narrator]- So, how much does Azure Machine Learning cost? Well, ultimately, we have to pay for a few things. We have to pay for data storage, or the way in which we persist the information down on a virtual disk. We need to pay for compute, and then the machine learning services unto themselves. In other words, core information storage that computed the information, as well as the cloud service, which is Azure machine learning. Also we have to consider some of the other services that are needed. We may need to deal with special services, such as analytical services, or database services that may be a part of our application. So, people are often surprised at the number of resources that are needed to, in essence, bring together a machine learning based solution. And you have to consider that, as your cloud, is very much the same as AWS, Amazon services and Google Cloud, and that they bill for the services that you're…
